“Sharing is fun” with PowerShare

Chip tuning app from DTE Systems is now available with a new feature

The PowerControl app is the smartphone control for the latest DTE tuning box PowerControl X - that much is clear. The popular tuning app for the smartphone from DTE Systems now comes with a new feature: PowerShare. From now on, drivers who are using a DTE tuning box can share their performance with other drivers via a smartphone app.

PowerShare: Split the DTE tuning with your friendsPowerShare: Now available for the PowerControl app

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PowerShare: Share your performance with friends

This is how it works: Both vehicles with their tuning box need to be within the range of the smartphone and the DTE PowerControl App. With the new PowerShare function, the vehicle performance can now be split between the two tuning boxes. It is also possible to choose specific time for how long the performance is shared. "Sharing is fun, especially when it is about tuning," says head of development Anton Pril. "And with the new PowerShare feature, it's now possible to share driving fun with your friends," adds A. Pril.

PowerShare: Split the DTE tuning with your friendsPowerShare: Split the DTE tuning with your friends
Power received: that's how easy the DTE power is transferredPower received: that's how easy the DTE power is transferred

Add and manage different vehicles

The new PowerShare feature runs within the tuning app of DTE Systems. You can add and manage different vehicles in the app, e.g. for the next trip with friends or at the next tuning meeting. "You can add your friends and their cars, much like on your messenger app. The advantage: The app shows which performance has been shared, "adds Development Chief A.Pril.

PowerShare for your car

  More about the smartphone app

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