- DTE动力升级
- K78 74马力 PowerControl
BRANSON K-Series K78 74 马力

德国DTE专业为您打造高品质原装产品 更多…

严谨遵守根据德国和国际道路交通法规质量管理体系和生产一致性 更多…

PowerControl 也可以自己动手安装。详细的安装说明和插图将帮助您一步一步地完成产品的安装。配置好的原装连接插头更是缩短了安装的时间。 更多…

一个绝对性的优势在于通过优化的特性曲线范围实现更高的效率,从而降低燃料 消耗。更多…

实现远程阀门更经济更效益的节约。 使用DTE性能升级您可以增加至30%的功率,您可以长久停留在一个档位并减少换档的次数。一个绝对性的优势在于通过优化的特性曲线范围实现更高的效率,从而降低燃料 消耗。高品质的汽车专用塑料外壳,高性能的CPU以及原装连接插头按照最高的专业品质要求而研制,极其耐用。
欢迎使用邮件联系洽询 [email protected]
“ The PadalBox was shipped one day earlier of the estimated expedition time and was a nice surprise unwrap it so soon :) The containing box was perfect not a bump or scratch and the installation of the PedalBox was easy and fast. The result: totally changed my car handling now I cant think of a car of mine without it. ”
“ Best product I've ever bought!!!! Will recommend Everyone I know!!! ”
“ Everything is Just perfect will recommend everyone!!!!!
Could not perform transaction better.
was going to buy just one product, but after installing, went and bought another one for my fathers car.
THANK YOU!!!!! ”
“ Excellent matériel. Très bonne qualité, Fonctionne comme promis. A voir pour essayer de faire baisser le prix, car la PEDALBOX fait réagir le véhicule plus vite certes, mais ne rajoute pas de puissance !!!!! ”
“ la vendita è andata tutto bene e anche la spedizione sono sodisfatto dell acquisto grazie ”
“ El aparato cumple con lo promete! Perfecto ”
“ I am very pleased with the services and the product - Pedal Box. It works very well, highly customizable and looks great. I also appreciate the great packaging. ”
“ I just installed the Pedal Box to my KIA Sportage Rebel in less than 5 minutes. The renewed control feeling over throttle pedal is incredible and effectively improves the responsiveness!
The customization of intensity level on different performance levels allows you to experiment and find your own personal set-up. A must-have product !!! In addition DTE offers a very fast service.
I'm totally satisfied. ”
“ Ich benutze die Produkte der Firma DTE-Systems GmbH schon über 7 Jahre. Habe immer erschöpfend Auskunft, egal welchen Kontakt ich gewählt habe, Telefon oder Mail, erhalten. Die Produkte Pedalbox und Chiptuning sind meiner Meinung das Beste was man auf dem Markt bekommen kann, die Produkte haben mich noch nie in Stich gelassen u. leisten das was Sie versprechen. ”
由DTE 系统 研发的Multi-Map-Technology 符合引擎控制单元的性能升级计算周期。正因如此,引擎的保护功能才能发挥功效。法律规定的排放值也不会受到影响。

Adaptive Sensor System分析及识别引擎的各种负载状态并能够保证取得更多额外功率。如果车主需要更多功率时,动力升级就被自动激活。如果暂时不需要格外的功率动力升级将自动关闭。这样不仅可以节省燃料的消耗而且能够升级驾驶体验。


为了新的安全标准, DTE 研发了新增引擎保护性能Engine Protect+,它可以连续监视来自引擎管理的信号并保护链接到引擎控制的传感器。Engine Protect+只有在引擎达到最佳运作温度时才会启动动力升级。