About traditionalists and precocial

More power for BMW M235i: A fast start just like at the best of times

Compact design, suitability for daily use and a straight-six engine, which touches the drivers’ heart. With these virtues the BMW M235i (F23) has what it takes to follow the footsteps of the early M3 models and especially 2002er. Only our M235i is the black sheep, pardon the anthracite-colored convertible, of the BMW family. He no longer wants to continue traditions, our BMW just wants one thing: He wants more! What is hidden in his genes, the guys at DTE immediately finds out on the dynamometer. Fixed between the steel cables, the series measurement starts: 326 hp and 450 newton meters of torque are displayed on the screen. The BMW shows his family origin.

Configure your BMW M235i chip tuning now:


Time to emerge from the shadows

With DTE’s PowerControl FSR14 for gasoline turbo engines, the BMW M-Convertible leaves the cuddly nest of his family. The tuning module is connected to the central sensors, including boost pressure, camshaft and intake manifold sensor. Now the incoming signals are captured, optimized and pass on to the control unit. Time for the second measurement with the DTE Performance Pack: 366 HP (+40 HP) and 520 Nm (+70 Nm) turn the M235i into a precocial. For comparison a Porsche Carrera has to get along with 350 hp. What a pitty!

Everything was better in the old days!

What grandpa and great-grandpa did not know in the old days was, was the electronic accelerator! With the conversion to E-gas a little delay mingled in the M-gene. Here the DTE-PedalBox is a perfect treatment. Simply connected to the gas pedal the seconds between "pressing the accelerator" and "getting the action" disappear. And our M-BMW? From now on, he shapes his own history and whistles on the tradition - on two tailpipes!

BMW M 235i: Chip tuningPowerControl for BMW M235i
BMW M235i on DTE's test benchBMW M235i on DTE's test bench

Chip tuning for BMW M235i

  Performance 326 hp (+40 hp)
  Torque 450 Nm (+70 Nm)
  More about BMW

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