NEW: PowerControl X and RX with Smartphone App

The next generation of smart tuning from DTE Systems

DTE Systems sets technological standards in engine tuning with the newly developed PowerControl X and RX performance tuning boxes. The special feature: using an innovative technology platform, all engines can be optimized for the first time - from common-rail diesel to turbo petrol engine, hybrid up to the latest bi-turbo hybrids with analogue and digital SENT technology. This is possible due to the completely redesigned technology platform of the PowerControl X-Series. "With our new and improved chip generation, we can achieve a signal processing up to 5 times more accurate," explains Dr. Michael Krecek, CEO of DTE Systems. "The second generation of our multi-map technology now allows it to optimize up to nine channels," adds Krecek.

Chip tuning with smartphone appChip tuning with smartphone app

Configure your PowerControl for your car now:

PowerControl RX as tuning for high performance engines

Performance tuning boxes are the core business of the tuning manufacturer from Recklinghausen, with its own ECU development, module and cable production and an own vehicle tuning. With the tuning boxes, more power and torque of up to 30% are possible. The performance box PowerControl X also has its own efficiency program for fuel savings of up to 15%. "The most powerful tuning in the DTE family is the new PowerControl RX. The additional control unit optimizes sports cars such as Mercedes-AMG, BMW M, Audi RS, Porsche or Ferrari", explains DTE head of development Detlef Strube." In addition, all X-Series tuning boxes have a smartphone interface for direct communication with the new PowerControl smartphone app," adds Strube.

Easy control, real time monitoring: the new PowerControl App

In addition to PowerControl’s keypad, which DTE introduced in 2014, the new DTE performance of PowerControl X and RX can now also be operated from the cockpit. The chip tuning’s extra power can be easily switched on or off with the smartphone. Simple wiping over the cell phone lets the driver change various programs depending on the driving situation: Sport, Dynamic and Efficiency. A highlight of the PowerControl app are the performance instruments, which show all relevant performance data of the engine in real time. Displaying such data was previously only possible for premium sports car cockpits. The complete package of the PowerControl App also includes an innovative accelerometer that measures the g-forces applying to the vehicle. And using the integrated and configurable warm-up timer, drivers can decide how long warming up is needed before using the engine tuning form DTE.

PowerControl app from DTE SystemsPowerControl app from DTE Systems

New: Sport instrumentation panelsNew: Sport instrumentation panels

The warranty packages for more power

The DTE power boxes PowerControl X and RX are equipped with an extensive service and safety package. For all performance tuning boxes of the X-Series, drivers receive an extended product warranty of 5 years. So, DTE Systems underlines its claim for highest tuning quality Made in Germany.

Easy installation of a versatile tuning box

All tuning products from DTE Systems can be easily installed via plug-and-play. Also the retrofitting into stock mode, e.g. when changing vehicles, succeeds as well. PowerControl X and RX can be re-installed in any other vehicle, no matter of the fuel types. Via smartphone app, the new software for the right vehicle is simply downloaded and installed.

PowerControl X and RX with app

  Easy to plug in and out before servicing
  Developed, tried and tested on a dyno
  Parts certificates available for more than 4.000 vehicles
  Includes a 2-year warranty on hardware
  30-day-money-back guarantee from date of purchase
  More about PowerControl

DTE at a glance
  • Technology leader since 1996
  • Developed and manufactured in Germany
  • Ready for shipment in 24 hours
  • Personal consultation
  • Safety & Warranty