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PowerControl RX for the BMW i8: Ultimate Hybrid Thrill
Just in time for the start of the season, DTE Systems even presents an extra kick to the torque-spoiled hybrid drivers. The PowerControl tuner for the BMW i8 is released.
The season is starting and with PowerControl RX, DTE Systems is once again providing significant performance gains for sports and super sports cars. With an eye to the BMW i8, it triggers a flow of excitement. The 374 hp hybrid sports car with an acceleration of 420 lb ft gets the pilot‘s adrenaline going already in standard configuration: From 0 to 62mph within 4.6 sec – that’s bundled force by itself for all hybrid fans. With the PowerControl RX engine optimization, DTE illustrates what Henry Ford already said back then: “Everything can always be done better than it is being done.”
DTE's engine tuning for BMW i8
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High-class Tuning for Exclusive Sports Cars
Exceeding the i8 performance again was “quite a challenge“, according to DTE Managing Director Dr. Michael Krecek. The most powerful tuning system PowerControl RX from DTE Systems supports all advanced en-gine technologies, including bi-turbo systems and hybrid. High-performance engines such as Porsche, AMG, Audi RS, BMW M and BMW i8 receive an additional performance boost with PowerControl RX. This amounts to +41 hp and +49 lb ft for the BMW i8. Up to nine channels are controlled in a Multi Map. PowerControl RX includes a comprehen-sive guarantee.
Improved Performance with Reduced Consumption
Despite increased performance and provided efficient driving, fuel con-sumption is reduced by up to 15 % with PowerControl RX. The greatest saving potential is given in the increased torque. Definitely another rea-son why PowerControl RX is not only attractive for i8 drivers, but for hy-brid drivers overall.
The Hybrid on a new level
The PowerControl technology from DTE Systems clearly shows that in-creased performance and hybrid vehicles go well together. Even the strongest i8 is brought to another level with this tuner and grants tingles and addiction. The tuned hybrid doesn’t pale by comparison even with larger sports cars, such as the Porsche 992.
Chip tuning for BMW i8
Performance 374 hp (+41 hp)
Torque 570 Nm (+66Nm)
More about BMW i8
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