Chevrolet throttle tuning

Experience real throttle response

Better acceleration in your ChevyBetter acceleration in your Chevy
The original throttle tuning: PedalBox by DTE Systems

Your benfits with PedalBox:

  • Better acceleration for your Chevy
  • Improved throttle response
  • 5 year product warranty
  • More than 20 settings available
  • Easy to install
25 years of tuning experience 25 years of tuning experience
The Chevrolet is one of America legendary cars. With more than 100 years of manufacturer experience, Chevrolet is known for their quality limousine such as Malibu or Cruze but also for an amazing driving experience in their legendary muscle cars Camaro and Corvette. Who would deny the performance of these bullet-proof engines, with performance power up to 485 kW (659 PS) and 563 kW (765 HP). And not only the performance of the power monsters is fascinating. Combined with the significant design of a sporty turbocar, there is no driving experience quite as unique and thrilling. The same power in combination with high durability is used in Chevrolet's SUVs, pickups and trucks.

Unleash the hidden power of your Chevrolet

Throttle response controller for better acceleration in your ChevroletteThrottle response controller for better acceleration in your Chevrolette
Challenge the performance of your Chevrolet and enable a rapid engine acceleration with the PedalBox. The easy to install throttle response controller improves the responsiveness of your Chevrolet. The Sprint Booster makes your muscle car or SUV react to incoming signals even faster, leading to a major increase in throttle response. Experience a new driving fun and overcome acceleration delays or lags with a faster sprint than ever. Your muscle car Camaro, Corvette, limousine Malibu, SUV Suburban, truck Silverado or even your e-car Bolt EV will right off accelerate at any RPM. Your engine is safe all the time, because the throttle tuning does not change any engine values or is harmful to it.

Throttle tuner for the Chevrolet CamaroThrottle tuner for the Chevrolet Camaro

Shopping with confidence 

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Starting from 299€ for your Chevrolet
  • Easily pay via PayPal, ApplePay, Klarna credit card or Amazon Pay
Camaro tuning - PedalBox for better acceleration Camaro tuning - PedalBox for better acceleration

Easy installation

  • Simple 3-step installation via Plug&Play
  • Back to standard any time
No delays in Chevrolet with throttel response controllerNo delays in Chevrolet with throttel response controller

Comprehesive warranty

  • 5-year warranty on DTE products (upon registration)
  • Tested several times in practice

No throttle lag in your Chevy 

Equipped with 3 different modes and a variety of 20 settings, your Chevrolet will eliminate any throttle lags or response delays. The simple 3-step installation makes the PedalBox easy to install for anybody. By connecting the plug of the throttle response controller with the accelerator pedal, the PedalBox is good to go. With the included self learning program PerfecTune it is easy to preset and adjust the throttle controller to the car and is throttle behavior. With the 3 different modes, you can go from wild to cruising in your city. While the sport plus mode makes your car a sprinter beast, the City mode makes your car ready for daily driving and allows it to accelerate the best way possible, as it should have been by default. You can determine your Chevrolet's acceleration for any circumstance, even if you are driving through the mountain track with your pickup - PedalBox will give you the acceleration gain you need with ease. Show off your car speed and power, wherever you are. The PedalBox from DTE is pure acceleration, available for all vehicles with an electronic throttle pedal. Gain more driving satisfaction everywhere.

How does the throttle response work?

Even in City mode (green), the vehicle's responsiveness is significantly improved. No more acceleration lag in your Chevrolet.

At the push of a button, the driver can choose between two further programs: Sport (orange) and Sport-Plus (red) for an even faster acceleration, even in a legendary Camaro.

The throttle curve (blue) describes the manufacturer's pre-programmed characteristic. For driving on slippery roads due to ice, snow or heavy rain, the PedalBox can be switched off and the vehicle is then in standard condition.
How throttle tuning worksHow throttle tuning works

Faster start-up, better acceleration and confident overtaking


Chevrolet PedalBox
Chevrolet throttle tuning
   Better acceleration for your Chevrolet
   More than 20 settings available 
   Improved throttle response
   Easy to install
Make a Selection



PedalBox for your Chevrolet: Better acceleration and more driving fun! 

Your Chevrolet can do so much more: Accelerator tuning optimizes the reaction time of modern vehicles with an electronic accelerator or also known as, drive-by-wire. With the PedalBox, the vehicle reacts much faster to incoming signals from the accelerator pedal. With a significant increase in throttle response, you, the driver can immediately accelerate at any RPM and overtake with ease. Now say goodbye to delays in acceleration! The same applies to the comprehensive warranty for the engine, engine management and differential, meaning no interruptions to your vehicle’s factory warranty. In addition, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee for all those who want to test the true power we bring to your Chevrolet! Whether you’re driving an Camaro, ZL1, Corvette, Alero, Malibu or Bel Air, we have options for you. And after a quick and painless install, once you turn those keys your Chevy is going to feel like a whole different beast!

Chevrolet throttle tuning

Shopping with confidence

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Starting from 299€ for your Chevrolet
  • Easily pay via PayPal, credit card or
    Amazon Pay
Chevrolet PedalBox

Easy Installation

  • Simple installation with a plug and play system
  • Deinstallation possible anytime

Comprehensive warranty

  • 5-year warranty on DTE products (upon registration)

Quickly installed and ready to go! 

The PedalBox is installed in a few simple steps. First, you will see a single plug connected to your accelerator pedal. Next you will be removing the factory plug, and putting in line the PedalBox plugs. And after just a few minutes, the install is finished! With 3 preset programs "City", "Sport" and "Sport-Plus" the PedalBox is immediately ready for use.

The PedalBox can be fine-tuned with a push on the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. Three-color LEDs display the selected program and power level. With over 20 different settings available, you can truly fine tune the way you want your vehicle to respond. Instant acceleration with the push of a button. The PedalBox from DTE is pure acceleration free of any delay for all modern vehicles. Installed quickly, fun can start immediately.


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