
DTE Systems GmbH
Maria-von-Linden Str. 23
D-45665 Recklinghausen

Phone: +49(0)2361 483906
Fax: +49(0)2361 483907

Chief executive officer with the power of representation and responsible for
contents under section 55 (2) RStV (interstate broadcasting agreement):
Christian Grauer

VAT registration number under section 27a UstG (German VAT act): DE813665332

Entered in Commercial Register
Registry Court: Recklinghausen
Registry number: HRB 4973

Liability for contents
The contents of this website were assembled with meticulous care. We can accept no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents. As service providers we are, pursuant to section 7 (1) TMG (German broadcast media act), responsible for our own contents on this website, as required under general laws. Under sections 8 to 10 TMG we are, however, as service providers, not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to search for circumstances which indicate unlawful activity. This is without prejudice to obligations to remove, or block the use of, information in pursuance of general laws. Liability in this respect is however only possible as from the time knowledge is gained of a specific violation of law. We will remove the relevant contents immediately such violations of law comes to our knowledge.

Liability for links
Our offering contains links to other websites of third parties, over the contents of which we have no influence. For this reason we can accept no responsibility for the contents of said websites. The parties responsible for the contents of the linked websites are in every case the providers or operators of the respective websites. The legality of the linked websites was checked at the time of linkage. No trace was found of unlawful contents at the time of linkage. The operator cannot however reasonably be expected to make a continuous check on the contents of the linked websites, without any specific indication of violation of law. We will remove such links immediately a violation of law comes to our knowledge.

The works created by the website operators are protected by copyright. Any form of exploitation not covered by copyright law requires the consent of the respective creator. Downloads and copies from this website are permitted only for private and not for commercial use. In cases where the contents were not created by the operator, third-party copyright is respected. In particular, contents from third parties are identified as such. Users are requested to inform us if they find any infringement of copyright. Contents infringing the rights of third parties will be removed immediately such violations of law come to our knowledge.

Legal Note

Link to the platform of the European Commission

according to Regulation on consumer ODR